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pharmacy questions

pharmacy questions

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Disposing of medicines by throwing them away in the normal garbage or pouring them down the sink, is not an appropriate means of disposal. The purpose of this exercise is for students to reflect on what constitutes appropriate medicines disposal and to become familiar with the Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) project. Refesh your knowledge on this project by following this link: http://www.returnmed.com.au/

Q!. Briefly explain why “normal disposal” of medicines in the garbage or down the sink is not appropriate.

Q2. Provide a detailed explanation of how the RUM scheme works from patient to final destruction. If your placement is in hospital pharmacy, include the return of medicines from various departments.

Q3. Does your placement site actively promote the RUM service to the public? If so, how do they do this? Do you have any ideas that could be implemented to increase patient awareness of this service?

Q4. What classes of medicines should not be disposed of via the RUM project?

The purpose of this exercise is to take a disease state that you have studied this semester and investigate its treatment in the patient group for your specific, placement site. Though the prevalence of diabetes (all types) will depend on patient demographics, the medicines dispensed will depend on both this and prescriber preferences.

Q1. Discuss overall dispensing of diabetes related medication in this site. Compare and contrast this with your previous placement site/s. how does this dispensing pattern correlate with the patient demographic information that you discovered in your day 3 exercises?

Q2. Note the different brands and type of insulin stocked in this pharmacy. Note the stock holding of oral hypoglycemic. Discuss with the dispensary staff which of these products are most commonly used. Considering what you have learned in pharmacotherapeutics, does this pattern fit with what would be considered best practice?

Q3. Does this site provide access to the National Diabete Services Scheme (NDSS)? If your placement site is not an Access point, do they have written information to provide to patients who would benefit from this service? Do staff at this site provide patients with disease state education and/or education on the use of devices such as insulin pens, lancets and blood glucose meters? If so, which staff fill this role and if not, where do they refer patients to for education? Does this site conduct public awareness campaigns for this disease state? If so, what is involved in these campaigns? If not, discuss how you could organize and run an awareness campaign at your placement site.

Delivery of temperature sensitive medicines requires prompt and appropriate management to ensure the cold chain is maintained, and that product integrity is not compromised.
Q1. Observe and comment on how the pharmacy ensures that the cold chain is maintained when reveiving stock deliveries from wholesalers.

Correct monitoring of refrigeration systems in pharmacy is essential to ensure that vaccines and other temperature sensitive products are stored at appropriate empteratures. Pharmacy refrigerators must be monitored daily by a laboratory proven minimum/maximum thermometer, as it is not always possible to detect critical changes in medicine by observing its physical appearance.

Q2. Who is responsible for monitoring the fridge temperatures in your placement site and how are the temperatures recorded? (e.g. log book or electronic)

Q3. What is the procedure followed if readings are outside the specified range (2C~8C)

Q4. With the permission of your preceptor, review the readings for the past 14 days and comment on any factors that you consider may have impacted upon the range and consistency of these reading.

Pharmacists have a professional duty in the area of privacy and patient confidentiality. On 12 march this year (2014), the privacy amendment (enhancing privacy protection) Act 2012 came into force. While compliance with the privacy act (cth) has always been compulsory, pharmacist should be aware that as part of the changes, the office of the Australian information commissioner now has enhanced powers, including the ability to assess privacy performance and the seeking of penalties for serious or repeated breaches of privacy. The new act details 13 australian privacy principles (APPs) that apply to all healthcare providers.

APP 11 covers the security of health information, including data security and destruction of health information.

Q1. consider and comment on the procedures that the pharmacy has in place for destruction of confidential information, including unwanted printed copies of repeat prescriptions and labels.

Q2. Reflect on the adequacy of this procedure. Would you feel comfortable as a patient with this handling of your confidential information?

The practical issue of respecting patient privacy when dispensing and counseling at a busy time can be challenging. Observe the pharmacy processes in place for handing out dispensed medication and counseling during a busy period and discuss with your preceptor the practical issues around respecting patient privacy at these particular times.

Q3. Outline any privacy issues raised.

Q4. Outline the efforts undertaken within the pharmacy to try and overcome these issues. What impressed you most about the privacy procedures implemented at your placement site?

Hospital pharmacists often have good links with other professionals working within their site, such as dieticians and clinical nurse educators (eg. Diabetes educators, continence advisors and many others).

Q1. At your placement site, what links exist between the pharmacy department and other allied health professionals or community support organisations?
Nutirion support team- consist of doctors, niurse, nutirionist, pharmacist
They discuss each other what to do the best for the patient. They check the health condition and make a plan (giving meidicne).

Q2. Discuss two practical examples of how the relationship between the pharmacy department and other allied health professionals benefits patients.
This is well highlighted in Diabete class that they hold in the hospital. This class is consisting of doctors, nurses, nutritionist, pharmacist and psychologist.

It may be possible for your preceptor to organize for you to meet with at least one allied health professional. (bearing in mind that these people have a heavy workload and busy schedule, this may or may not be feasible the week for your visit).
If this is possible:
Q3. What is the role of that professional within the healthcare team generally? Specifically, what is the role of this person at this site? (eg. Some occupational therapists are employed as part of dementia or paediatric teams, or a speech therapist might specialize in stroke rehabilitation).

Q4. When/ how/ why might they use the pharmacy department as a resource?

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pharmacy questions

What do you think pharmacy’s role is in shaping healthcare delivery and improving patient access to care?

What activities are currently participating in around adherence in pharmacy?

What are some of the changes have been made in the way you operate pharmacy in the last 10 years?

What sets you apart from competition, whether it’s mail order, chain or another independent?

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pharmacy questions

What do you think pharmacy’s role is in shaping healthcare delivery and improving patient access to care?

What activities are currently participating in around adherence in pharmacy?

What are some of the changes have been made in the way you operate pharmacy in the last 10 years?

What sets you apart from competition, whether it’s mail order, chain or another independent?

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